Use your voice

Simple, everyday things you can do to research, monitor and protect water quality.

Become an active citizen or business

  • Windermere water is subject to damaging phosphates from landuse, pollution and private septic tanks.

    Set up a local group

    You could set up a local group to monitor water quality and report problems, or talk to your neighbours about getting your septic tanks emptied at the same time to save money. Use CALC to find your local Parish Council who may be keen to help. The Take Part Guide is also helpful to start your group from scratch.

  • Too much phosphate in the water creates Algal blooms - rapid growth of microscopic algae in water, resulting in a coloured scum on the surface.

    Join a local group

    Join a local group and be active in your area. South Cumbria Rivers Trust (SCRT) will be able to help with this. The Windermere Community Catchment Partnership (hosted by SCRT) will become a network for local volunteering, information and support.

  • Hand holding multiple letters in postal campaign

    Start a campaign

    Write letters (for example to local councillors or your MP) asking for investment or enforcement to protect our waterways. Organise a water quality focused campaign in your area. For advice on how, visit Voting Counts.

  • Join a campaign

    Join a campaign

    You are not the only person interested in making a difference here! Look out for campaigns which represent your concerns and share them. Do a google search for 'water quality campaigns' and see what's out there. You could also check out the South Cumbria Rivers Trust voluntary opportunities.

  • Hand holding lightbulb

    Report problems

    Keep an eye on what's going on locally and report things that don't look right. Call the Environment Agency (free) hotline 0800 80 70 60. For problems relating to water supply or mains sewage you should contact United Utilities directly. Failing that OFWAT or the Consumer Council for Water may be able to help.

  • Hand holding flower and wildlife

    Citizen Science

    Get involved in the Big Windermere Survey (and see the results so far on the FBA Website); and find out more about FFBA Citizen Science Projects. Send records of blue-green algae to the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology using the Bloomin’ Algae app, to help provide a comprehensive picture of algal blooms in Windermere. Monitor riverflies to detect and report serious pollution incidents with The Riverfly Partnership.

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